

Our Collection

Handpicked Collections for Every Occasion

From classic reds to vibrant bi-colours, our featured categories have something for everyone.

The Red Collection

Experience the timeless elegance of our captivating Red Collection.

The Light Pink Collection

Indulge in the delicate allure of our Light Pink Collection.

The Dark Pink Collection

Immerse yourself in the vibrant charm of our Dark Pink Collection.

The Purple Collection

Discover the regal sophistication of our Purple Collection.

The Yellow Collection

Brighten your day with the sunny warmth of our Yellow Collection.

The White Collection

Embrace the pure serenity of our White Collection.

The Peach Collection

Savor the subtle romance of our Peach Collection.

The Orange Collection

 Ignite your senses with the energetic vibrancy of our Orange Collection.

The Bi-Color Collection

Delight in the stunning contrasts of our Bi-Color Collection.

Premium Roses

Unveiling the Magic Behind Our Roses

Each Soex Flora rose is a culmination of careful cultivation, rigorous quality control, and a passion for perfection. Our products are a testament to our commitment to provide only the best for our customers, anywhere in the world.

Discover the World of Soex Flora Roses

Interested in purchasing our premium roses for your business or special event? We’re here to assist you with all your needs.

Reach Out to Us

We’re just a message away. Send us your inquiries, and our team will respond at the earliest.