The Red Collection

Experience the timeless elegance of our captivating Red Collection.


Top Secret (Taj-Mahal)

Deep Red Rose symbol of love Top Secret also known as Taj Mahal is amongst one of the very popular variety worldwide due to its magnificent beauty and very attractive color and no thorns which makes it easy to hold and make arrangements.

Available in length 40 -70 cm Order Top Secret Roses from Soex today !!!


Dark Red Premium variety Bordeaux is a big headed noble and beautiful flower with a superb opening It has a good vase-life and adds to beauty of all the arrangements it is being made part of. Buy Bordeaux from Soex 365 days a year. Available in length 40-60 cm


Large flowering Red Rose samurai has nearly a very perfect Red color.


Deep blood Red variety Passion is very famous in European Countries. Available in lengths 40-50 cm

Grand Gala

Thorn less bright Red Rose variety Grand Gala is a Red Rose with medium to big bud-size.

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